Life’s Guiding Principles (Steal This From Me)

Put what matters most in front of you

Rimante Eneva
3 min readAug 8, 2023

Whatever we focus on, grows. When we repeatedly reiterate what’s important to us, we bring it to Life. Call it manifestation, subconscious programming, neuroscience, priming, intentional living or prayer, it’s a thing.

The way I see it, there are 2 ways:

  1. I either passively take in whatever’s being fed to me (TV, social media, wider sociocultural context etc.)
  2. Or actively create what I want to feed my mind.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.” — Yogi Berra

Unless I live under a rock, I can’t avoid the influence of the environment, people and the wider world. But I can choose to prioritise what matters to me.

That’s why I created the “guiding principles” document below. I read it once a week, I read it when I’m making a decision, I read it when I encounter a difficult situation, I read it when I want to give up, and I read it when I need inspiration. The point is to keep it at the forefront of my mind, to create myself as I would like to be.

For You

If you don’t care what my principles are, I made a Google doc which you will find here. Make a copy and create your Principles.

The Guiding Principles

“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.”

  1. I and I alone am responsible for my life. If I am willing, I can respond to anything. I am not a victim of the world I see.
  2. I am my word. I don’t give promises I know I can’t keep. If I say I’m going to do something (either to myself or others), I DO IT or communicate to those involved why I can’t.
  3. Become better every day, over striving for perfection in body, mind and spirit. Am I doing this out of love or am I doing this because I don’t feel good enough?
  4. Consistency is key. It’s easier to keep the momentum even when I don’t feel like it. It’s harder to restart. Keep going, even a 1% push in the right direction is better than nothing.
  5. Aim for a win-win. What if everyone around me can win? Win-win is an infinite game; win-lose is a finite game.
  6. Nobody owes me anything. I make agreements, not demands/requests.
  7. My health is my first wealth.
  8. What I feed my mind grows in my life. What’s my mental diet? Be diligent with information (no gossip, trash TV, violence), beware of judgment and complaining.
  9. Self-respect is the only thing that matters when I’m alone. How do I feel about myself when I’m by myself? (Tom Biliyeu)
  10. Look for the best. In people, yourself, situations, problems, the world.

What Informs These Principles

  1. My values which I review every year. This year’s values — health, growth, connection, authenticity.
  2. What character traits I’m working on growing — honesty, patience, accountability, intentionality, openness, self-expression.
  3. What principles do people I admire live by.



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